Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here are some pictures of what we have been up to lately. Things in St George are good and we are looking forward to Christmas.

This is for Grandpa Gibb...Ella will be your biggest helper :))

Wayne used to play on a motorcycle just like this one when he was younger. He really enjoyed himself.

Aren't children supposed to enjoy being at the park?

This was taken at Thanksgiving and Ella had everyone laughing :)

Fun with cousins

One of the many accidents we saw on our way home from Oregon. You gotta love those icy roads.

Friday, December 10, 2010


At the beginning of November we moved to St. George Utah. Wayne got a new job that was a lot closer to family and we decided to pick up and move. I have decided that I really don't like to move. It was nice when we finally arrived and were able to unpack. We are enjoying the warm weather and have had a few adventures since being here. We drove to Oregon for Thanksgiving to spend it with my family. Wayne figured it was about time to visit the in-laws since he hadn't been there in two years :) The roads were pretty rough and at one point we were going so slow outside of snowville on the freeway because we couldn't even see the front of the car that I was sure we were going to be hit by a semi. About four hours before we got to my parents house the heater stopped working in the car and it was a chilly drive. Quite the adventure. We were very grateful that we made it safely. We are looking forward to seeing more family over Christmas and we hope you all have a great one too.